Other strategies of relevance to planning applications / Identifying Needs

In building a case to support a planning application a number of other strategies and publications can be useful.

Corporate local authority Community Strategies, Housing Strategies and Adult Social Care publications are increasingly recognising the need for specialist accommodation to address the ageing population.

SHOP@ is an essential tool to take the strain out of forecasting and meeting demand for specialist housing for older people in England and Wales, endorsed by the Department of Health and the Welsh Government. Using data generated by Elderly Accommodation Counsel's national records, SHOP@ places the emphasis on the local. It can interpret local information at a unitary/county level or for individual districts. This can help shape decisions on the how, what and where to develop specialist housing for older people.

Strategic Housing Market Assessments are also now looking at the impact of the ageing population on the housing market and provide useful context for justifying the need for a new development.