A Place to Call Home? - A Review into the Quality of Life and Care of Older People living in Care Homes in Wales
Making sure that older people have the best quality of life is a key priority for the Older People's Commissioner for Wales. In this comprehensive Review of the care home sector, she exposes four key areas related to the quality of life of older people living in care homes in Wales that need to be urgently addressed, namely: matters relating day-to-day life; health and wellbeing; people and leadership; and commissioning, regulation and inspection.
However, while the terms of this Review stated that extra care homes or sheltered housing were not included, it is interesting to note in her findings that she recognises the potential to explore for further development of other models that combine housing and care, such as extra care. In addition, oral evidence given by CCSIW on shaping care markets as part of looking at future demographic changes highlighted the need to consider at a strategic level how much provision of sheltered housing accommodation in Wales is required?