A framework for achieving excellence in mental health discharge

The LGA/ADASS collaborative, Partners in Health and Care, has issued this online resource on mental health discharge, drawing on extensive engagement with front line teams, statutory guidance and operational models that are working well across the country. From inpatient treatment to community support, the lack of suitable accommodation is recognised as critical to discharge planning.
Underpinned by eight principles for achieving excellence in mental health discharge, it highlights three specific pathways as part of a Wellness and Recovery Action Plan (WRAP), as follows:
- Home with support, including supported living
- Specialist step down recovery / rehabilitation beds
- Specialist residential / nursing care
There is also reference to the importance of multi-disciplinary teams (MDT) working across local health and care systems and how roles such as mental health housing link workers can make a difference to identify and solve housing and tenancy issues.
If you found this of interest, check out the guest Housing LIN blog on the MDT work in New Forest District Council and Southern NHS Foundation Trust on their work to prevent homelessness and tenancy sustainment.
And for a list of other useful reports, studies and blogs that make the link between mental health and housing, visit our dedicated pages here.