A lexicon of NHS acronyms: A Housing LIN Practice Briefing

Do you know your PCNs from your CCGs? Do you know your STPs from your TCPs?
This Housing LIN Practice Briefing presents a detailed list of acronyms used by the NHS and Social Care sectors. It is aimed to provide professionals in the Housing sector additional information about terms used commonly in the health system.
The acronyms compiled for this practice briefing are taken from sources such as the NHS and the NHS Data Dictionary, Public Health England and the Social Care Institute for Excellence. They include:
- BCF - The Better Care Fund: A national funding programme to help join up health and care services locally, to encourage independent living and wellbeing
- EDD - Estimated Date of Discharge: The predicted date for when a patient will be ready for discharge from hospital
- ICS - Integrated Care Systems: A close collaboration between the NHS, local councils and third sector organisations that take responsibility for managing resources, delivering NHS standards and improving public health
- PPE - Personal Protective Equipment: Protective equipment such as eye protectors, surgical masks and FFP3 respirators that help medical staff prevent catching infections from their patients
Within the briefing we have also pulled out links to resources from Housing LIN and other housing sector organisations for entries that have importance in the housing sector.
The Housing LIN is a signatory to the national Memorandum of Understanding improving good health and care through the home. It includes committing all the signatories to ensure greater professional knowledge transfer and more joint working across housing, care and health services in order to deliver better person-centred outcomes.