A proposed typology of housing and support options
As part of their series of 'Housing Choices' discussion papers, NDTi wish to stimulate debate about the continued over reliance and possible increase in use of residential care, and to encourage more serious exploration and consideration of alternative options.
In this paper (no 2), they have developed a draft typology which identifies, categorises and briefly describes the housing options available for people with care or support needs who do not live with family.
They are inviting comments and views on this proposed typology and are particularly in interested in knowing:
- Is it useful to have a typology of housing and support options?
- Do the descriptions provided accurately describe the various models?
- Are there any options that you are aware of that we have missed? (Including those that don't fit into any of these categories or sub-categories?)
- Would it be useful to develop this further e.g. by linking to examples of all of the different options?
Please post any comments here: https://muut.com/housingchoices/ (opens new window)
The other three papers can be found below.