A vision of care fit for the 21st century: The Commission on Residential Care
This report from the Commission on Residential Care, chaired by former Care Services Minister Paul Burstow MP, explores the future of residential care in its broadest sense - from care homes to extra care villages and supported living, for older and disabled people. Written by Demos, it has two main objectives. First, to create a vision of 'housing with care', not bound by existing definitions but based on the outcomes that people want and value. And second, to set out how the existing offer could change to deliver this vision, across financial, operational, governance and cultural aspects of care.
The Commission recommends a number of measures to embed good practice and challenge public perceptions, including a more accurate definition of 'housing with care' throughout government policy. With reference to the Housing LIN, the Commission concludes that this along with other proposed measures, could help build a housing with care sector fit for the twenty-first century.