Ageing Better – Transforming Later Lives

The Centre for Ageing Better has announced it will focus on achieving ambitious goals in four areas to help society make the most of the social and economic opportunities presented by people living for longer and to help those most at risk of missing out on a good later life.
Their long-term vision for responding to this demographic change includes goals for improving health, housing, employment, and communities. And in relation to housing, they explicitly state: Our aim is for more people to enter later life in safe and accessible homes that will support them to live independently for as long as possible, particularly low income homeowners and private renters, by:
- Improving the condition and accessibility of existing housing
- Increasing the diversity of suitable homes for people approaching later life who choose to move
- Making information and advice more easily available to help people approaching later life make good housing choices.
Their goal is that by 2030 there will be 1 million fewer homes defined as hazardous and half of all new homes will meet accessibility standards.