An A-Z of organisations and websites on ageing, loneliness and social isolation: A Housing LIN Practice Briefing

This Housing LIN Practice Briefing presents a list of organisations and online resources that are aimed to provide information and additional support to those wanting to find out more about, or to access key services, around the issue of loneliness and isolation.
The A-Z list contains a variety of different organisations such as:
- Age Scotland - which hosts the Age Scotland helpline, and runs the Community Connecting service
- The Older People's Commissioner for Wales - which runs the Ageing Well programme to reduce loneliness and isolation among older people in Wales
- U3A - which runs the project: #LearningNotLonely, where they publish research that presents sustainable and positive approaches to ageing based on skill sharing and volunteering
The practice briefing contains a description of each organisation, their resources around loneliness and isolation, and any additional practical services they offer.