An Evaluation of Clarion Futures’ Warm Spaces Programme

In England, concerns around the increasing costs of living and heating during winter 2022/23 saw the emergence of local interventions to establish Warm Spaces in existing community centres. In 2022, Clarion Futures, the charitable branch of Clarion Housing, provided dedicated funding to establish Warm Spaces in centres in or close to Clarion homes, but that could be both Clarion Housing and non Clarion Housing owned.
Clarion Futures’ Warm Spaces aim to bring people together, usually over a bowl of soup or a cup of tea. They provide a range of services and signpost to sources of advice and support on issues such as housing, health, education, money management, benefits, digital skills and access to foodbanks.
In 2023, Clarion Futures received funding from the Rothesay Foundation to deliver an extended Warm Space programme, which included the distribution of Warm Packs, essential items to support people to keep warm and save money over the winter months.
In 2024, the Housing LIN conducted an evaluation of the Warm Space programme to explore the impact on local communities. This involved visiting 10 Warm Spaces across the UK, and engaging with visitors, staff and community centre partners via a survey, interviews and focus groups.
Read on for insights into the effectiveness of Clarion Futures’ Warm Spaces as a tool to support the mental, physical and financial health of Clarion Housing residents and their surrounding communities.