An introduction to the Home Building Fund
The HCA have published this guide on how the building industry can access government finance to increase the number of new homes being built in England up until March 2021.
Administered by the HCA, the £3bn Fund provides loans of £250,000 to £250m to meet the development cost of new homes for sale or rent or to help prepare sites for development. In particular, the government states it wants: "to encourage innovation, both in the kind of homes that are built and the way they are delivered. Financing is available to support these projects which could include community-led housing projects, serviced plots for custom and self-builders, off-site manufacturing, new entrants to the market and groups of small firms working in consortia to deliver larger sites."
While there is no specific mention of supporting the construction of new housing for older people in the guide, the Fund may be of interest to those organisations and communities that are seeking to develop co-housing or other community-led housing initiatives for older or disabled people.
To view other resources on collaborative forms of housing for an ageing population, visit the Housing LIN's pages on User Involvement and Co-production (opens new window).