Building our Homes, Communities and Future: Preliminary findings from the LGA Housing Commission
In 2015, the Local Government Association (LGA) set up a Housing Commission to set out a forward-looking vision for the future of housing and the relationship between councils and communities. One of the four strands selected was 'Housing, Health and our ageing population', in particular, looking at the role of housing in preventing onward costs onto health and social care services. The Housing LIN fed into the work of the Commission to help inform these preliminary findings (the final report is due this Autumn). They form the basis of LGA's work with councils, the government and partners around housing.
In essence the LGA wants to develop a positive message around a renewed role / tools for councils to help build homes and communities and, in particular, plugging gaps in the market to best contribute to local government's wider ambitions for people and places. Key areas covered include: homes as part of the integration agenda; developing a new market for all-age housing (such as HAPPI) as well as extra care housing; and supporting people to plan ahead.