Building our homes, communities and future
The Local Government Association's Housing Commission final report reveals that over the last 20 years there has been a generational shift in home ownership with rates among 25-year-olds plummeting by more than half. With access to housing at a premium, the LGA is calling for more affordable and social rented housing to be built to help people save for a deposit on a home.
Alongside building more social rented homes to boost home ownership, the LGA also reports an urgent need to better provide housing for older people. With a 74% projected household growth where the household is headed by someone aged 65 or older, it calls for an increase in age-friendly housing (designed to HAPPI principles (opens new window)) and resources to fund adaptions to enable older people stay healthy and happy for longer, and reducing demand on NHS and care services. In particular, recommendations include:
- Ensure funding is available to enable older people to modify their own homes
- Build more new homes that support healthy ageing and reduce costs pressures on health and social care
And for more information, read the Housing LIN viewpoint (opens new window), How can local government be better associated with delivering housing for an ageing population?