Care and Support in Housing with Care for Older People: Policy Technical Brief

Please note that this resource is out of date. It is only listed to provide a record of arrangements at the time of publication.
This Housing LIN Policy Technical Brief covers changes in the national policy framework since the 2010 Technical Brief on care and support in Extra Care Housing was written. These changes set the context within which care and support in these settings is commissioned.
In April 2016, the Policy Technical Brief was updated (opens new window) to reflect the March 2016 revised Care Act Statutory Guidance and the final CQC Housing with Care Guidance published in October 2015.
It forms part of a set of three documents providing information on care and support in Housing with Care for older people. The other two in the set are:
- an edited version of the 2010 Technical Brief Care and Support in Extra Care Housing (opens new window); and
- the Case Study Report published in April 2015 Approaches to the Procurement and Delivery of Care and Support in Housing with Care (opens new window).