Clinical Commissioning JIP Support Project - East of England - 10th Network Bulletin
This is the 10th bulletin issued as part of the JIP project to support clinical commissioning in the East of England. It contains both national and regional updates on the mechanisms and progress towards the new health commissioning framework and includes some useful links and embedded material. Some highlights which may be of particular interest to those in the housing sector seeking to engage with the health commissioning process include:
- The link to previous bulletins
- A King's Fund e-mail address if you want to sign up to regular Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) updates
- A contact if you'd like to be part of a Health and Wellbeing Board Community of Practice
- A link to the operating principles of HWBs
- A King's Fund and Nuffield Trust pdf on the Evidence Base for Integrated Care. No specific mention of housing and related services, but the principles apply and can itself be used as evidence of the potential value of the sector
- A Think Local Act Personal publication, Make it Real, which is a co-produced checklist on an organisation's progress towards personalisation
- A Guide to developing and commissioning "non-traditional" providers to support the self-management of people with long-term conditions, Thanks for the Petunias. Again, no specific mention of the housing sector but non-traditional specifically includes the third/voluntary sector
- Our own regional Housing LIN contribution trying to raise the profile of the housing sector
- Information on Implementing the East of England Learning Disability Vision