Co-produced and research-based Dementia Design Guide
The Housing LIN has been given permission to upload both volumes of this dementia design guide co-produced using a 'living lab' approach.
- Volume 1, 'Design for Dementia - A guide' aims to assist designers and others working in the built environment to tackle the challenge of dementia in society.
- Volume 2, 'Design for dementia - research projects' complements Volume1 and describes outputs from a series of participatory research projects carried out by the Halsall Lloyd Partnership and Liverpool John Moores University.
The findings from these projects support the recommendations described in Volume 1. Both volumes are available for purchase.
People living with dementia, health and social care professionals, academia and business came together to develop and test out innovative solutions in real life settings.
The co-authors Bill Halsall and Dr Rob MacDonald worked with Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust and Liverpool John Moores University (who both part funded and sponsored the publication) and the Dementia Action Alliance and The Liverpool Service User Reference Forum (SURF) who participated in action research and co-design. The work is part of a long running and ongoing collaborative research initiative on the theme of Therapeutic Environments.