Community-led Place Stewardship: Lessons from and pathways towards transforming management of large, housing-led sites in England and Europe

This learning report produced by the Community Land Trust Network of England and Wales, also researched, created and launched in partnership with the Laudes Foundation, the European Community Land Trust Network and Dark Matter Labs, draws on case studies and interviews to recommend community-led stewardship as an alternative to private management in housing developments.
Based on comparative learning from five case studies and industry interviews, it recommends that community-led place stewardship should be incorporated into the planning, procurement, development and long-term management of new housing developments.
The report draws the research together into practical recommendations for communities, councils, landowners, developers and other practitioners. It demonstrates, on a timeline that can span 20+ years, how any of those stakeholders can play the leading role in incorporating community-led place stewardship into new developments.