Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Changes to Welfare Benefits

Written by welfare benefits expert and Housing LIN associate Dan Rust, this briefing (No 5) for social landlords, local authorities and other organisations advising and supporting working age adults and sets out information on welfare benefit changes under COVID-19, including Universal Credit, Jobseekers, and sickness and disability benefits, as well as the government’s response to work and sickness.
The briefing highlights a few examples of practice from housing associations and the types money and benefit information being offered to residents; for example, as a result of their financially changing situations brought about by Coronavirus. It also signposts to latest relevant government guidance and where to go for further advice and support.
To view other briefings in this series and updates, visit our Coronavirus Info Hub. And for bespoke support connected to this briefing and/or to help you organisation now or prepare for post COVID-19, visit our consultancy pages.