Council Flats Adapted for Temporart Care Use
Location: Southampton
Issue: To provide temporary accommodation to facilitate the timely discharge of older people from hospital.
Action: Four sheltered flats in an existing council scheme have been adapted with walk-in showers, furniture and fittings to offer intermediate care, funded by Cash for Change. This has also covered the cost of rent, council tax, electricity and water to avoid any issues of tenancy. A joint agreement was developed covering the roles and responsibilities of housing and social services and occupants of the flats, plus eligibility and referral arrangements.
Outcome: Occupation has ranged from two hours to 17 weeks. Regular reviews, including feedback from services users, have led to improvements to the scheme. Communications are better, and some referrals have resulted in people being offered appropriate permanent accommodation with no need to use these flats.
Organisations Involved: Southampton City Council
Contact: Heather Christiansen
Telephone: 023 8083 2071