Dorset County Council Mental Health Housing and Support Strategy for 2013 - 2016
The purpose of this strategy is to set out how Dorset County Council in conjunction with its key partners and stakeholders can improve existing, and commission new or remodelled housing and support services to meet the health and social care needs of people with mental health problems.
The Strategy will seek to prevent homelessness and enable people with mental health needs to live in settled accommodation and promote mental well-being, reduce discrimination and social exclusion. It will also ensure engagement with families and carers and local communities in their role as providers of accommodation and housing-related support.
The outcomes we are seeking from the Strategy are as follows:
- More people with mental health problems supported to maintain independent living
- Fewer people reporting mental health problems resulting from poor housing circumstances
- More adults in contact with mental health services in settled accommodation
- A reduction in length of stay in in-patient units
- An increase in choice of accommodation when in crisis (including recovery housing options)
- A reduced number of delayed transfers of care and reduced length of stay in hospitals due to lack of housing
- Fewer people living on a long-term basis in institutional settings such as NHS units, residential care or old-style supported lodgings
The newly formed Mental Health & Housing Panel will develop appropriate measures (where not already in place) to monitor these outcomes.
The Council welcomes your views on the Mental Health Housing and Support Strategy. Please respond by Friday 15th March 2013 and, where possible via the consultation tracker on Dorsetforyou (opens new window)