Effective Resident Involvement and Consultation in Sheltered Housing - A Good Practice Guide for Providers and Commissioners
In 2009 the report 'Nobody's Listening', published by Help the Aged recommended the "...establishment of good practice guidance for both commissioners and providers concerning resident involvement and engagement". This Guide has been produced to meet this recommendation, but also focuses on the wider importance of genuine, effective resident involvement and consultation, and the benefits this brings for providers, residents, their relatives, carers and advocates, as well as staff and commissioners.
This guide provides many practical case studies and snapshots for providers and commissioners as well as residents. It also identifies the potential barriers to effective consultation and how these can be overcome.
Published by TPAS and CHS the project was commissioned by the CLG Ministerial Working Group for Sheltered Housing and is one of four projects commissioned by the CLG Ministerial Working Group for Sheltered Housing:
- More than just a few kind words! (opens new window) Reshaping support in sheltered housing: A good practice guide for providers and local authorities
- Guidance on Complaints Process (opens new window)
- EAC Housing for Older People Awards and Report (opens new window)