Establishing the financial case for KeyRing

KeyRing has nearly 30 years’ experience of working with vulnerable people, including those who have mental health, or addiction issues, and those seen as non-neuro-typical (ASD).
The mission is to improve the life chances of KeyRing Members, enabling them to take control of and responsibility for their lives, achieving their full potential. KeyRing believes inclusion is the key to people living as full citizens.
This report sets out the financial ‘proof of concept’ of the KeyRing service model, illustrating for commissioners and others both the service outcomes and associated financial benefits of a typical KeyRing Network. This report and its proof of concept are based on the actual service outcomes from a sample of KeyRing Networks and the associated financial benefits that these Networks deliver. These benefits are compared to the cost of the Networks to identify the net financial benefits provided for the service outcomes achieved. This study demonstrates that it is possible to achieve cashable savings of £187,168 per annum/£3,599 per week using the KeyRing model.