'Extra Care' Housing and People with Dementia: A scoping Review of the Literature 1998 - 2008
Commissioned by the Housing and Dementia Research Consortium and funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, key aims of this literature review were to identify recent published and grey literature relating to people with dementia living in extra care housing with a focus on evidence relating to the following elements:
- Design and use of the built environment
- Facilities, furnishings and equipment
- Care, support and therapeutic services
- Organisation and management
- Outcomes in relation to health, wellbeing, policy and cost.
The purpose of the review was to take stock of what research evidence exists in order (i) to inform policy and practice through summarising what has been shown to be effective or ineffective, and (ii) to highlight areas where there are notable gaps in the knowledge base and further research is needed.
Published and unpublished literature from 1999 onwards was identified through searches of a wide range of databases, journals and relevant websites, and through consultation with academics, researchers and practitioners in the field. 120 references were finally included in the review.