Creating Homes We Want to Grow Old In: A 15-Point Plan from the Housing and Ageing Alliance

A national strategy is needed urgently to address the housing needs of our ageing population, according to the Housing and Ageing Alliance (HAA).
The call is among a 15-point plan published by the HAA, an alliance of senior leaders from a wide range of organisations including Age UK, Independent Age, the National Housing Federation and Housing LIN.
Creating Homes We Want to Grow Old In: A 15-Point Plan from the Housing and Ageing Alliance calls for a national older people’s housing strategy, strengthened information and advice, more support for home adaptation and strengthened planning guidance to increase the supply of older people’s housing.
In this manifesto, the HHA detail their 15-point plan for the next government. In summary, they believe:
- A national older people's housing strategy should be developed by central government
- Older people should have access to independent information, advice and advocacy around housing and care options in later life.
- Government should establish a Cabinet-level Minister for older people and ageing.
- An Older People and Ageing Commissioner should be appointed.
- Local authorities should develop older people's housing strategies that map existing housing for older people across all types and tenures, its availability and condition, and where there are notable gaps.
- All older people should have the right to access practical, affordable housing repair and adaptation services.
- Government should stimulate a greater range of financial products and develop a strategy to encourage homeowners and landlords to invest in improving, maintaining and adapting homes.
- There should be a radical improvement in the speed and efficiency of Disabled Facilities Grant delivery and government should consult on the means test, upper limit and funding allocation.
- Local and national planning guidance should increase the supply of housing for older people, including a requirement to assess and then plan for specialist housing for older people across all types and tenures in Local Plans, and encourage delivery.
- The National Planning Policy Framework should have stronger direction on older people's housing, including affordable housing, and age-friendly communities.
- Government should implement without delay its commitment to increase accessibility standards of new homes.
- Homes England investment in all supported housing should expand, with a minimum of 10% of its grant programme to be for older people’s housing.
- Planning for specialist homes should encourage common spaces in new-build developments, tackling isolation.
- Research is needed to tackle the issues and barriers to extending shared ownership for older people in mainstream and specialist homes.
- Government and local authorities should engage with the recommendations of the TAPPI Inquiry and Smarter Homes for Independent Living to increase access to technological solutions.