Village 135 is an extra care village of 135 apartments and community hub for Older People in Wythenshawe, Manchester

This Housing LIN Case Study (no 149) was written by Damian Utton, Director of Pozzoni Architecture, the architects behind the Village 135 community and retirement living hub in Wythenshawe, Manchester.
Following an investment of £5.19m from the Department of Health, through the HCA Care (now Homes England) and Specialist Housing fund, Damian details how the needs of the ageing population in the local area have been addressed in the Village 135 development.
The scheme is built over two sites, featuring a glazed footbridge crossing a busy road that connects two existing, remodelled residential tower blocks. Developed by Wythenshawe Community Housing Group, the village boasts 135 apartments complete with 24-hour on-site Extra Care to support residents’ existing and ongoing needs.
Careful consideration in design including HAPPI principles amongst other acknowledgment to design guidelines, have all contributed to the awarding of the following titles:
- Best Large Development: National Housing Awards 2017
- Best Independent Living: Pinders Healthcare Design Awards 2018
- Best Supported Housing: Northern Housing Awards 2018
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