Housing Conditions and Integrated Care for Older People: Key Findings and Recommendations

Housing Conditions and Integrated Care for Older People COVER

This research, funded by the Meath Foundation, investigates the link between common housing conditions and hazards that affect older people’s health in the South Dublin area, and their impact on healthcare delivery by Tallaght University Hospital.

The report was prepared by partners as an action from the Housing Conditions for Older People Group, chaired by The Housing Agency, and highlights the Building Research Establisment (BRE)'s 2020 study, The Cost of Poor Housing in Ireland. It aims to inform housing providers such as local authorities, policy makers, and healthcare providers about key aspects of healthy homes and most common housing hazard types experienced by older people. 

The research highlighted three main issues:

  • The serious implications that poor housing conditions have for older people in Ireland, the consequences for health and wellbeing outcomes, and the impact this has on the integrated care for older people.
  • The urgent need for better housing data, national housing condition surveys, and centralised data platforms.
  • The need to support and expand integrated approaches to housing and the care of older people in Ireland by bringing together key partners including: hospitals; the Integrated Care Programme for Older People; local authorities; and the Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme.

The report also recommends making Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) methodology part of a future Irish national housing survey, as well as considering ways the HHSRS could account for emerging challenges such as under-occupation or impacts of climate change.