Housing LIN Newsletter December 2010
This December 2010 edition of Housing with Care Matters features the latest funding, policy and practice developments, new online resources and shared learning and networking opportunities, including:
- a total of £251m capital funding over two years from the Department of Health for councils with social care responsibilities that could be used to invest in housing related projects
- information on the government's vision for adult social care and Public Health White Papers, along with details on the Localism Bill and proposed CLG reform
- details on the latest DH funded extra care schemes in Dudley and Nottingham, and schemes that have won recent awards or been selected for the National Housing for Older People Awards 2011
- three excellent new Housing LIN documents on downsizing, co-production and rural housing for older people
- a range of other interesting new reports and resources sent in by organisations on topics as diverse as health and housing, JSNA, dementia, design, homelessness and aids and adaptations
- a 'spotlight' on the work of the South East Housing LIN and work funded by the Joint Improvement Partnership
- calls for information for both a forthcoming Housing LIN factsheet on 'vacancy chains' and a reminder to look at the Care Commission's call for evidence by 26 January 2011, and
- a list of forthcoming regional Housing LIN meetings/visits in your area and national events