Housing LIN Newsletter December 2012
In this issue, we report on the Housing LIN's second annual conference and exhibition attended by over 300 delegates and the key issues highlighted by an impressive cast of speakers and delegates. In particular, we focus on the latest policy and funding development, including the new Department of Health's £300m Care and Support Specialised Housing Fund and £50m dementia-friendly initiative. We also draw attention to the inquiry report from the All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People, 'Housing our Ageing Population: Plan for Implementation', which sets out an ambitious call for action to escalate the supply of housing for older people.
If that isn't enough, we report on a series of recent Housing LIN publications that are essential reading for those of you in building the evidence base, planning, designing and delivering housing that older people want.
These include:
- 3 new practice briefings to support the development of Market Position Statements, partnerships with Health and Wellbeing Boards and making best use of sheltered housing
- A new paper on affordability and the self-funder market in extra care, courtesy of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- A new toolkit for planning authorities planning head for housing in later life, jointly published with the NHF, Tetlow & King, Contact Consulting and McCarthy & Stone, and
- A collection of views on funding extra care housing in the current financial climate
And finally, we bring you updates on other funding, policy, practice and research developments, new reports and resources on health, social care, dementia and telecare, along with a round-up of what's happening in our regional networks.
You can now also follow us on twitter on @HousingLIN. Stay networked with us for the latest news, views and comments, and find out where you and your colleagues can get involved with the Housing LIN.