Housing LIN Newsletter July 2013

Cover Enews July 2013

We are pleased to bring you the latest edition of the Housing LIN newsletter, 'Housing with Care Matters'.

We provide a comprehensive round-up of all that's new in the world of housing with care. This includes:

  • an overview of the key housing and related, health, care and support components set out in last week's Spending Review
  • highlights of a selection of new Housing LIN reports, viewpoints and case studies, including our timely report on how extra care housing can help reduce isolation amongst older people and enhancing community life; a series of interesting papers on alternative housing choices for older people such almshouses, co-housing and co-operatives, case studies on the development of age-friendly homes and neighbourhoods; a factsheet on landscape and dementia design; and the post-conference report from May's South & South West event, 'Specialist Housing, Specialised Solutions' in Swindon
  • details of a range of other new publications/resources on housing and older people, including the JRF 'A Better Life' programme, Hanover@50 reports and 2 excellent papers with CIH, as well as our regular spotlight on health and social care, dementia and telecare resources,
  • several member call for information and research on intermediate care, supported housing, and older people's quality of life, and
  • showcasing all that's happening across the Housing LIN regions, forthcoming network meetings/site visits, workshops and events.

Willmott DixonWe hope that you find the diversity of content of interest.

And lastly, for those of you wanting to find out more about the Department of Health Care & Support Specialised Housing Fund announcement, we understand that this is expected shortly.

We are grateful to Willmott Dixon for their support of this issue of Housing with Care Matters