Housing LIN Newsletter June 2012
In this issue of Housing with Care Matters we specifically focus on:
Angela Rippon's visit to Shore Green for the BBC One Show (front page)
- the new APPG Housing and Care for Older People Inquiry (p2)
- information on improvements to the Housing LIN website (p2)
- the winner of the Housing LIN category at the Housing for Older People awards (p3)
- the official opening of the DH funded Extra Care scheme in Aylesbury (p3)
- three new, cutting edge, viewpoints from the Housing LIN on:
- leadership challenges in the NHS and links with housing, 'Shaping the concrete before it sets'
- dementia friendly communities, 'Breaking new ground'
- developing effective partnerships to achieve market potential, 'A new lease for life'
- a range of excellent new resources under the broad themes of:
- Housing for Older People - by JRF, NPI, HACT, Orbit Charitable Trust, etc
- Health and Care - by NHF, One Housing Group, Demos etc
- Housing and Dementia - by Alzheimer's' Society, the Design Council etc
- the latest news from our Telecare LIN (p7)
- calls for information on Right to Transfer possibilities and the use of s106/CILs (p7)
- a comprehensive round-up of new developments from all our regions (p8), and
- details of our forthcoming regional meetings and other relevant events (p9)