Housing in Wales: Evidence for Welsh Government 2021-26

Drawing on their evidence base, the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) have identified 12 key priorities for Welsh Government housing policy between 2021-2026.
This report sets out the current context and evidence base in six areas: affordable housing supply, homelessness, the private rented sector, tenant engagement, creating sustainable places, and health and housing. On health and housing, it finds that the Welsh Government should drive improved interactions between health, housing and social care, based on six principles which encourage collaboration:
- Shared analysis of issues and solutions
- Person-centred design
- Strong leadership
- Joint budgets
- Shared interpretation of legislation
- Recognition of power imbalances.
It also finds that landlords, particularly in the private rented sector, need to be supported to improve their knowledge of mental health issues, and how to assist tenants to access support, requiring leadership at a national level but also drawing in partners to deliver training and advice services.