Housing to span the generations: A 21st Century Almshouse for Bristol

This Housing LIN Viewpoint (No 105), written by writer and co-founder of the Age Action Alliance, Tony Watts describes a “21st Century Almshouse for Bristol” that may offer a way forward for intergenerational housing.
Despite their desire to live independently in their own homes, many older people face immense challenges due to an inadequate social care system. The ongoing reduction in council budgets has resulted in unmet care needs for a considerable portion of this demographic. Age UK conducted a study (opens new window) in 2022 for the Care and Support Alliance, revealing that 2.6 million people over the age of fifty in England alone are experiencing unaddressed care requirements, as they do not meet the eligibility criteria for assistance and cannot afford to cover the expenses themselves.
To coincide with Generations Working Together (opens new window)'s campaign to raise awareness for April's Global Intergenerational Week, Tony speaks with Bob Durie OBE who - having spent a lifetime in property - believes this pilot for a new intergenerational housing project might just show a novel way forward.
This viewpoint, therefore, explores how reimagining a concept that goes back over a thousand years provides part of the solution to the severe housing and care problem facing Britain’s ageing population.