How can local government be better associated with delivering housing for an ageing population?
This Housing LIN viewpoint no 79 draws on PRP Architects' submission to the recent Local Government Association (LGA) Housing Commission and, in particular, one of the Commission's four themes: health and quality of life for an ageing population - looking at the role of housing in preventing onward costs onto health and social care services.
It offers an overview of the challenges local authorities face in housing and caring for an ageing population and suggests that Local Government must have a key role in meeting this challenge. It proposes a holistic strategy for Local Government including changing perceptions and attitudes towards housing for older people; the need for integration and collaboration across agencies and departments working in the sector; more focussed housing needs assessments and forward-planning; and the facilitation of new specialist housing development at the same time as supporting people in their own homes with a network and infrastructure for community-based care and support.
Some of the views outlined in this viewpoints are included in the LGA Housing Commission's final report, Building our homes, communities and future (December 2016).