How to Develop a Community-Led Approach to Age Friendly Housing in Central Bedfordshire
This guide sets out action that will assist communities in Central Bedfordshire to take the next steps in implementing plans to increase the number of homes suitable for an ageing population. It builds on the council’s Prospectus, as featured in the recent LGA report Housing an Ageing Population.
Commissioned by the Council and written by the Housing LIN it is divided into two parts.
Part One sets the scene and provides a range of useful background information on the main characteristics of living in Central Bedfordshire in later life.
Part Two describes different community-led housing approaches and offers practical tips and examples that can help inspire local residents to shape the future provision of housing that meets their needs and aspirations.
In writing this guide, Central Bedfordshire Council and the Housing LIN held two workshops, co-produced with local residents to capture their needs and aspirations in later life.
We are also grateful to Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity, the National Community Land Trust Network and the UK CoHousing Network for their support.