Liaison Officer cuts delays for Patients who need Re-housing

Location: Durham

Issue: Delayed transfer of care for people waiting to be re-housed.

Action: The role of housing liaison officer has been developed within the local authority housing department. This officer works closely with the hospital discharge management team to identify patients who either need re-housing due to medical needs, are choosing to move to be closer to family, or want to move to more appropriate accommodation, such as sheltered housing. The housing liaison officer visits the hospital every week to talk to these patients about their needs.

Outcome: There has been a reduction in delayed transfers of care, and patients have the chance to talk to the right person early in the process. Overall patients get better service, and working relationships between the housing department and the hospital have improved.

Organisations Involved: South Durham Acute Hospitals NHS Trust (Darlington Memorial Hospital), local authority housing department

Contact: Diane Pennock
Telephone: 01325 743674