Living Well with Dementia: A National Dementia Strategy
This Housing LIN Briefing No29 summarises key points of Living well with dementia: A national Strategy, highlighting those relevant to housing-related services. It outlines the role the housing sector can play in meeting the Strategy objectives, with examples. It is of interest to social care and health commissioners and practitioners, as well as those in the housing sector.
Two documents preceded this: Housing LIN Briefing 22 is the document submitted to the External Reference Group about the contribution housing and related services could make to meeting the needs of people with dementia and their carers.
Response to Transforming the Quality of Dementia Care was the Housing LIN's response to the consultation document on the dementia strategy. It analyses the consultation document from a housing perspective and makes suggestions for inclusion of housing sector services and staff
The strategy itself and associated documents can be read by selecting the following link.