MAKING A START - Dementia - Skilling The General Needs Housing Workforce

Supported by the Housing LIN and written by Sue Garwood on behalf of the Dementia and Housing Working Group, this new report and Resource Pack is aimed at providing information to assist housing providers in equipping their workforce with the knowledge and skills they need to work effectively with people who have dementia. The work is targeted at general needs housing providers but is also likely to be useful to specialist and private sector providers, as well as training organisations.
The report and accompanying Resource Pack:
- Outline why it is important for the general needs housing workforce to be skilled in working with people living with dementia
- Outline different staff categories in general needs housing organisations
- Suggest topic areas and depth of training suited to each broad category of staff
- Identify external sources of awareness-raising and training for housing organisations that do not have in-house dementia trainers
- Include a range of examples where organisations have already taken steps to raise awareness of dementia amongst their workforce and become dementia-friendly organisations
It comprises: