Mobility, Mood and Place key findings

MMP key findings COVER

This guide and short video outline the key findings of the Mobility, Mood and Place (MMP) project, which has been exploring how places can be designed collaboratively to support outdoor activity, health, wellbeing and community engagement as people age.

The short guide, How can we design places that support mobility, health, wellbeing and participation as people age?, is based on MMP research that involved the participation of over 900 people, most of whom were aged 60+, and shows how innovative neuroscience methods and co-design techniques offer new opportunities to understand older people’s response to place. The video is a three-minute introduction to the MMP project, focusing on what they found and why the research matters.

MMP have also prodcued an A-Z of co-design and a guide to intergenerational co-design for age-friendly places and offer a 'reading room', linked to below, as a place to access academic journal and conference papers on MMP and related research.

If you found this of interest, you may also be like to see earlier research findings Why does the outdoor environment matter?, from Inclusive Design for Getting Outdoors.