Navigating housing challenges for older adults: The importance of person-centred care

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In this blog for the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE), Helen Brown, a PhD researcher at the University of Sheffileld and experienced Occupational Therapist, examines the complexities of poviding person-centred housing solutions for older adults.

Referencing the Department of Health and Social Care's definition in the 2021 white paper, People at the heart of care, that person-centred care will provide “genuine choice and control about personalised care and support”, which can “enhance quality of life and promote independence in a way that matters to individuals", the blog draws on eight years of professional experience at Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council as well as academic research.

It highlights the gap between housing services and the needs of older adults in the UK and also argues against “one-size-fits-all” solutions and assumptions, calling for a more individualised, person-centred approach to meeting older people’s housing needs, including in discussions around assistive technology. The blog offers key suggestions from practice and research to enable person-centred practice.