Personalisation - What's housing got to do with it?
Practical steps for involving housing and communities within programmes for extending personalised services are explored in depth in a new publication produced by the ADASS Housing Network and the National Directorate for Social Care Transformation.
Acknowledging that "the shift from block commissioning to individual purchasing power is providing uncertainty for service providers" the report's sponsors warn that "diminishing public funds are in danger of reinforcing funding silos, rather than allowing money to follow the individual."
The booklet goes on to explore some 'paradigm shifts' that need to occur in relation to governance, finance and the workforce, seeking to bring local authority strategic commissioners of housing, adult care and housing support, together "around a common understanding of the lead roles they need to play."
It goes on to give practical guidance to housing and care and support providers who are reorganising their services around people's aspirations.
Martin Cheeseman, joint chair of the ADASS Housing Network said: "While this paper sets out some of the challenges which housing faces in trying to take on board the social care personalisation agenda, it also asks the bigger question - how can housing develop its own `person-centred approach' which will complement and extend the existing personalisation agenda?
"It also asks how this can be done in a way which is both economically efficient and delivers choice to people. We hope it will provide both practical guidance and stimulate the sector into addressing the culture changes necessary for an effective delivery of this agenda"