Piloting Smart Home Technology in ECH for People with Dementia
Location: Bristol
Issue: Smart Home, Dementia
To assess the impact of autonomous 'smart enabling home' system (assistive technology) in supporting older people with dementia in extra care sheltered housing (ECSH).
To date two flats are being piloted and evaluated.
The first pilot in Lewisham, currently occupied by a gentleman with moderate to severe vascular dementia, from August 2006 to present. This is a permanent let. Early evaluations indicated that the technology has resulted in,
- Small increase in MMSE score
- Reduction in incontinence
- Reduced night time wandering
- Increase in sleep
- Increase in quality of life
The technology employs a range of hard wired sensors for lighting pathways, bed occupancy and uniquely is pioneering the use of voice prompts. It is designed on the principle of the user being in control with outside support only for those agreed risks that require intervention e.g., night time 'walking' and cooker safety (and is the same for the second flat).
The second pilot is located in Bristol in an ECSH scheme, using one of four intermediate care flats. The aim is to first evaluate the impact of smart enabling technology over a short time and secondly, assess for the AT to be used in the person's home when discharged from the flat. The system is different to the first flat in that it incorporates the use of wireless technology but continues to employ the voice prompting. Both systems can be configured to meet the needs of the residents and with the second flat only; the settings can be changed from any where in world via an internet broadband connection. The second flat was launched in January 2007 and its first resident moved mid Feb. This pilot is being done in partnership with the PCT/ACC and Bristol city Council and is part funded using the council preventative technology grant from central government. The aim of this service is to expand and mainstream it in 2008/9
Outcome:Both flats are pilots. Until the evaluations are complete it is not clear whether the provision of them will be expanded though it is the intention of doing so with the Bristol flat via the PCT/ACC.
Evaluation:Both Pilots are to be evaluated by BIME
Organisations Involved: Bath Institute of Medical Engineering, Bath University. Dementia Voice. Housing 21. Bristol City Council (re the Bristol smart enabling home). PCT/ACC intermediate care service
Contact: David Self
Telephone: 01179 754863
Email: selfd@housing21.co.uk