Prime Minister's challenge on dementia 2020

This report from the Prime Minister sets out the areas where the government believes it will be necessary for society to take sustained action in order to deliver this vision and to truly transform dementia care, support and research by 2020. The stated aim is for England to be:
- the best country in the world for dementia care and support and for people with dementia, their carers and families to live; and
- the best place in the world to undertake research into dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Since the launch of the Prime Minister's Challenge on Dementia (see national strategy above), significant progress has been made in improving health and care for people with dementia and carers, creating dementia friendly communities, and boosting dementia research.
Coupled with this report, an additional £300m has been pledged, including more research to inform effective service models and the development of an effective pathway to enable interventions to be implemented across the health and care sectors.
In relation to housing and the built environment, there is reference (p30) to the recent health and housing Memorandum of Understanding on the Housing LIN website and an aspiration for "increased numbers of people with dementia being able to live longer in their own homes when it is in their interests to do so, with a greater focus on independent living."