Providing Extra Care in Existing Sheltered Housing
Location: Southampton
Issue: To enable older people to remain independent and avoid admission into residential care.
Action: Six flats in an existing sheltered housing scheme have been adapted as extra care accommodation, including provision of walk-in showers and wheelchair access. Joint working between housing and social services and the PCT produced an agreed eligibility criteria, referral and assessment process. A care team is based on site and working protocols between them and the scheme wardens have been established.
Outcome: As well as enabling six older people to keep their independence, the scheme has encouraged closer working between the agencies and the care provider, and better understanding of each other's roles and responsibilities. It is hoped to extend the scheme, with a further nine flats in this unit, and possibly at other sheltered housing in the city.
Organisations Involved: Southampton City Council, Southampton City PCT
Contact: Heather Christiansen
Telephone: 023 8083 2071