Reeve Court Retirement Village - Executive Summary of Evaluation
This Executive Summary outlines the key findings from an evaluation of Reeve Court Retirement Village. It covers health and well-being outcomes, the way in which care and support are commissioned, the range and level of needs met at the village, community mix, and some value for money questions. It will be useful to commissioners and providers of Extra Care Housing. Commercially sensitive aspects and organization-specific material are excluded from this summary.
The evaluation highlights the benefits of a holistic, person-centred ethos and concludes that the way the care is commissioned promotes this approach. The Executive Summary can be read in conjunction with the Reeve Court Commissioning Case Study which looks in depth at the advantages and disadvantages of commissioning care using bands.
N.B: The Extracare Charitable Trust’s operational management of Reeve Court was transferred back to the landlord and property owner, Your Housing Group, as of 31st January 2025