Safe, warm, decent housing for older people - why it really matters

Following the government's response to Lord Filkin's 'Ready for Ageing?' report, the national network of Older People's Housing Champions has been developing a manifesto to take to the political parties ahead of the 2015 General Election. This Housing LIN viewpoint no 64 Tony Watts, Chairman of the South West Forum on Ageing and the SW Housing Champion, highlights their contention that a 'joined up strategy' around older people's housing would deliver benefits to the public purse and the rest of society too. In particular, it calls for:
- Future proofing housing for an ageing society
- Engaging older people far more in the planning and design of ALL new homes & neighbourhoods
- Enabling and promote a greater choice of specialist and general housing for older people
- Truly integrating housing into the planning of health and care services
- Providing rapid access to affordable repairs and adaptations with practical help such as handyperson's services and Home Improvement Agencies, and enabling older people to make best use of their resources, and
- Providing more independent, impartial information and advice about housing, care and finance options.