Sector showcase: housing and independent living
Sector showcase: housing and independent living has been produced by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and the Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN) with the aim of showcasing what housing organisations can do to help older and disabled people to live more independently.
Launched at the Housing LIN conference 2018, 'An IdeasFest: A Fresh Look at Homes for All Ages', the briefing shares lessons from successful schemes which are helping older and disabled people live with greater independence for as long as possible, stay connected to their local communities and enjoy better levels of wellbeing and care. It includes case studies from Riverside, Norsecare and Saffron Housing, Rhondda Housing, Johnnie Johnson Housing, Places for People and Look Ahead.
The timing of the report’s publication supports the Housing LIN and CIH’s commitment to the renewed Memorandum of Understanding on the part of 25 partner organisations across housing, health and care, pledging to joint action to improving health and care through the home.
CIH chief executive Terrie Alafat CBE, said the work housing organisations are doing is increasingly vital to tackle the huge challenges posed by our ageing population and the rising numbers of working-age adults with long-term conditions. ADASS, the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, has warned of a potential funding gap of £2.6bn for services for older and disabled people by the end of the decade. She continued:
"Housing organisations are working with health and social care partners to play a critical role in improving services for older and disabled people, and also in saving money for our public health services which are being stretched to the limit.
“We hope this briefing will encourage organisations across housing, health and social care to think about new projects to support older and disabled people and to show them how to make sure they are effective as possible.”
Strategic Lead of the Housing LIN Clare Skidmore (opens new window) added:
“As this report demonstrates, housing partners play an essential part in enabling people with care and support needs to live in their own homes, in the community, and in doing so, to shape their own lives and build connections with the people around them.
“As we await the social care green paper later this year, and coinciding with the publication of the MOU, we are delighted to showcase the examples of creativity and collaboration which enables housing to make a real contribution to residents’ health and wellbeing.”
#sectorshowcase #independentliving