Supported Housing Tenants Carry out own Review of Services

Location: Waltham Forest, London

Issue: The greater involvement of users in the evaluation of mental health supported housing to identify possible improvements to the service.

Action: Tenants in a range of mental health supported housing designed a questionnaire and carried out research through a series of group and one-to-one meetings with providers. The service users were trained, paid and received benefits advice to support them during the review, which involved seven registered social landlord partners.

Outcome: The project report made recommendations concerning scheme design, the delivery of support services and links with associated services, and these are being implemented through the relevant operational and joint planning groups. Some practical changes have already been made, such as the production of more consistent induction packs.

The project helped service users develop skills and confidence, and encouraged providers to work more closely with each other and to identify good practice.

The local authority has commissioned a similar review of sheltered housing.

Organisations Involved: London Borough of Waltham Forest, Voluntary Action Waltham Forest.

Contact: Yvonne Toms
Telephone: 0208 496 6505