Supported Living Schemes
Location: London Borough of Hackney
Issue: To offer an alternative to Residential Care for older people who wish to remain in the community - a sort of extra care with higher care needs catered for.
Supported Living Schemes are about giving an alternative to residential care for older people and being able to meet needs in a flexible way.
Each tenant has a care and support plan which details their needs and how this is met, the schemes cater for older people who would be at great risk in the general community or who's care needs can are not predictable.
The schemes differ in size from 8 flat units to 41 flat units; therefore the types of tenants can differ too. The service has a high take up of black and ethnic older people who like to maintain their own home and continue to have support from family for some of their care. It also attracts a number of older people with functional mental health problems who need flexible care when they want it!
It provides a 24 hr service and care packages can increase above the standard 18.5 day care hrs per week as the person needs additional support.
The service is designed to be a home for life, with people moving on only if they have care needs that can not be met by staff, ie nursing needs beyond community nurses or are a risk to themselves and others if they remain, however we are looking at developing more specialist units for dementia and mental health users to reduce the need to move on. (There are only a small number moved on and this is based on a detailed assessment of need).
Outcome:Reduction in admissions to residential care and more choice for service users, particularly older people with mental health needs.
It is a partnership between three forward thinking housing associations and a department which needed to reconsider its dependence on residential care and how best to meet the needs of the community. It will also form a range of options of supported housing for older people, from sheltered housing, though to sheltered housing with a care team present with extra care housing, a long with the use of new technologies to support older people at home. Ie passive monitoring systems.
Evaluation:The service is evaluated each year, which highlights new challenges for it, particularly how it develops to meet the changing needs.
Organisations Involved: Hackney Social Services
Contact: Ian Buchan
Telephone: 020 8356 4864