Supported housing for people with long-term care and support needs
This Housing LIN report sets out what is required to ensure there is sustainable development of supported housing for adults with long term care and support needs.
Based on research undertaken by Clare Skidmore and Ian Copeman from the Housing Learning & Improvement Network (Housing LIN) for the National Housing Federation (NHF), the research is intended to:
- Better understand the current challenges affecting the development of supported housing for people with long-term care and support needs.
- Based on the evidence gathered, set out recommendations for a more sustainable model for developing long-term supported housing in the future.
- Provide evidence that the NHF can use as part of its approach to influence the Government’s spending review.
This research directly involved over 40 NHF members and other housing and support providers. The background research also involved speaking with representatives from, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, the Regulator of Social Housing, the Care Quality Commission and Homes England.
Based on the evidence from the research, the report recommends three core ‘pillars’ which together are required to promote the development of sustainable long-term supported housing by housing associations and their partners:
- Capital funding: Government should significantly increase capital funding overall through Homes England for investment in supported housing and allow for increased capital grant funding rates for supported housing development.
- Funding for housing-related costs (rent and service charges) through the welfare system: Government should make a long-term (10 year+) commitment to Housing Benefit continuing to meet housing-related costs in supported housing.
- Funding for support costs: Government should provide funding to meet the costs of providing support to vulnerable people living in longer-term supported housing.