Supporting people with learning disabilities at the edges of social care in social housing and the private rented sector

Access to and support with maintaining good quality, affordable, rented housing is essential for the delivery of appropriate social and health care for people with learning disabilities living in the community.
Where we live greatly affects many aspects of our lives, including the care and support we receive. There is concern that some people with mild to moderate learning disabilities may be missing out on getting the help with housing and social care they need if they don't qualify - or apply - for this help under the Care Act 2014, leading to unmet care and support needs.
This is why the Housing for People with Learning Disabilities: Renting Your Own Place research was crucial—it aimed to understand the ways that people with learning disabilities who are on the edges of social care (meaning they receive no or small amounts of statutory support) can be better supported to access and enjoy living in their own tenancies in the community, when this is their choice.
Funded by National Institute for Health Research, School of Social Care Research (opens new window) the research project was a collaboration between:
- Deborah Quilgars, Eppie Leishman, Mark Wilberforce & Julie Rugg and at the University of York
- David Abbott at the University of Bristol
- Housing provider, Riverside
- The National Membership organisation bringing together people with learning disabilities, families and paid supporters including housing and support providers, Learning Disability England
- Community artist, Stephen Lee Hodgkins
- The Housing LIN
The project team also included an advisory group of people with learning disabilities who rent their own homes and who also belong to self-advocacy groups (including York People First (opens new window)and My Life, My Choice (opens new window)).