Technology-Enabled Lives: Delivering Outcomes for People and Providers

Published by the TEC Action Alliance (opens new window), which involves over 30 care organisations - including the Housing LIN - the report, examines barriers to widespread adoption. One issue is the conflict between shaping digital care around people’s needs and replicating services, economically, at scale.
TEC Action Alliance heard evidence from a range of people who draw on care, along with frontline workers and leaders in care, health, housing and local government.
Over 2,000 people were surveyed on their attitudes towards and use of technology enabled care (TEC) and focus groups held with individuals who have lived experience. Research into housing associations, councils and health bodies that use technology to integrate care services has been conducted.
Digital social care services reduce ambulance trips to A&E by 68%, help 85% stay home if handled by TEC responder teams, cut emergency response times to 30 mins, and refer 40% to community services rather than formal social care (vs. 7% pre-pandemic). While 86% express interest in health technology, only 18% use telecare/telehealth services and half of these people use it less than once a week. Barriers include safety concerns, a lack of confidence and perceptions that digital care is expensive.
The report calls on care commissioners and suppliers to listen carefully to what people want and co-produce their services and products with individuals to ensure there is enhanced focus on personal needs.
Jeremy Porteus, CEO at Housing LIN, said:
“We were delighted to contribute to this important piece of work. With coproduction at the centre, its recommendations align with the 10 TAPPI principles and will ensure that technology is co-designed into our homes from the outset.”
In the next stage of its work, the TEC Action Alliance will identify how to bridge the divide between personalising and scaling services. An action paper will be developed to evidence the relationship between engaging people who draw on care and delivering successful outcomes.
To coincide with the paper above, TEC Action Alliance shared A guide to getting started in co-production on why co-production must be integral to health and care, always the starting point, always defined by the individual who will receive the support to live a good life.